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Showcase Concert

29 Feb 2024

Showcase Concerts - Saturday, 10 March 3.00pm and 6.30pm

"With music, one's whole future life is brightened ... Music multiplies all that is beautiful and of value in life."  - Zoltán Kodály

The North London Conservatoire

The North London Conservatoire is a registered charity in England & Wales n° 1161732

Company number CE004161   Registered Office: 76 St James' Lane, London, N10 3RD

(formerly The North London Colourstrings Centre)

The North London Conservatoire ® The North London Conservatoire 2020. Website © James Westmore 2024. Photos by Belinda Lawley © The North London Conservatoire 2024. Teachers' and staff members' individual photos are their copyright and are used here with permission.

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